We are three days from the big move out...ahhh! Honestly, at least in the packing aspect, we are more prepared than we have ever been at this point. In almost every room, the only things not packed up are the things that we are still using. Bech has most of his pottery packed up, which is the area we've always struggled with. He, understandably, doesn't want me to pack it up, but he doesn't always have the time to get it packed in advance.
On Wednesday, we will load up a Penske, then drive to Brookhaven/Jackson for seven days. We will get seven days to just relax and spend time with our families.
Then, after having loaded my sisters stuff up, we will head up to DC and then Pennsylvania.
For some reason, this move seems harder to me than the rest (or maybe I'm not remembering the rest!). Africa was so exciting. Jackson was coming home. Vermont was for my schooling. Baton Rouge was bringing my child back near his family.
And now Pennsylvania. This is the first time I haven't known ahead of time what I am going to be doing when we get there. I have applied for (literally) seventy something jobs through the Penn State website. I have also applied for several others through the local newspaper. I have a phone interview this week (yay!), so please pray that it turns into an actual job!
But, deep down, I also know that I am probably going to fall in love with Pennsylvania. The little victorian town we are moving to has a victorian Christmas festival every year. There are local wineries, apple orchards, pumpkin patches, farmers markets, etc. Plus, I am going to be right smack in the middle of Amish country.
And I know that we will make friends. It's just that, to be honest, I'm kind of tired of making new friends. Not like it bores me. It's just so emotionally exhausting to keep making new friends and then leaving them in a year or two! I am still missing Malawi friends, for goodness sakes!
I am hoping that the seven days in between leaving Baton Rouge and heading up North will be an energizing time for me...I am definitely going to need it!
Okay enough of my Eyeore-ing! I will finish up with some Jack pictures:
I hate that you can see our yucky apartment porch in this picture (so ready to be in our new place in Bellefonte and out of our soul-less place now). But, those saddle oxfords on him...they completely melt me!
I love this outfit. It's so vintage Southern toddler. In fact, I bought it off ebay, so it probably really is. I only have a few more years of dressing him this way, so I am enjoying every minute.