Thursday, January 23, 2014

Another game of catch up...

Life is crazy crazy crazy right now!  I am going to try to get up to speed, but I am exhausted so this post will be ALL over the place!

Two weekends ago, Jack started getting sick.  I took him to the doctor Monday, and poor Jackie boy was diagnosed with pneumonia.

A week and a half later, after 10 days of antibiotics and 3 doctors visits, we are finally finished with it!  Jack was a trooper.  He had a couple of rough nights, but he took his medicine like a champ.

Gosh, I love this kid.

But, since he got sick at the start of our last week at home together, we spent most of the week cuddled up on the couch or playing legos and trains at home.  Fun, yes, but not what I had in mind for my last week home--I was imagining the library every day, a couple of "chicky christy" (Chick-fil-a) visits, etc.

This past Monday, I started my job!

Sidenote, I'm not sure how much I am allowed to say about my job.  I was pretty vague about my teaching job last year as well.  Last fall I interviewed for a position at Penn State.  They liked me, but I wasn't as qualified as HR was requiring for the hire.  I got a call in December about doing an interim job for them.  So I will be working for a little over 3 months, filling in for a girl who had the chance to be part of a program abroad.  

Since it is interim, the pay is not amazing, but I am glad to be doing something!  Already, I think I am going to really enjoy this job.  I have some past experience, and I am excited about different opportunities within the job.

But, I am also excited that it is for 3 months.  I have enjoyed my time at home with Jack so much.  And, while staying at home is no piece of cake, being a working mom, at least for me personally, is more demanding.  By the end of April, when the full time staff person returns, I will be ready to return to being home with Jackie boy!

Even though I am enjoying my job, this has been a rough week so far!  It is FREEZING here in State College.  Literally, I don't think we are going to have a day above freezing for at least two weeks.  I am dying.

And then, on top of that, our pipes froze Tuesday night.  I managed to scrape together a (gross) bun for work that day, then came home, exhausted and cold, but expecting a nice, warm shower.  The maintenance men had come that morning and fixed the pipes.  But it was so cold during the day that they refroze again.

One of the maintenance men came out again and, bless his heart, spent two hours working on it.  He managed to unfreeze the downstairs pipes (so the kitchen sink and the half bath worked), but he needed to come back the next day to fix the upstairs.  Which meant I washed my hair in the kitchen sink.

I know kitchen sink baths are super cute when you are a baby.  They are NOT cute when you are 28.

Oh yeah, and add to this week that Bech has a show next week, so he has been at the studio until at least 9:30 every night. 

So tonight, Jack and I got home, ate cereal (and not organic...just the generic Wegman's nastiness, #momoftheyear) for dinner, and both took hot baths/shower.  He's asleep and I am about to be, and 9:15.  

To say I am excited is an understatement.

Sometimes you just need cereal for dinner and a geriatric bedtime.

Plus I just filled my rubber water bottle up to take to bed with me.

Just call me Grandma!


The Robbins & Co said...

haha, geriatric bedtimes are all the rage these days! dan is at presbytery so we watched an animated version of ben hur, the kids went to bed early and i'm stuffing diapers while watching the amazing race. going to bed soon, ha!

Callie said...

Poor guy! How scary to have your kiddo get pneumonia! Glad he's okay.