Tuesday, April 21, 2009

2 months

today is april 21st...we are leaving for home on june 23rd. so its almost 2 months. in some ways, i am so excited and anxious to be home. but i am also getting sad about some of the things i will be leaving. so i am making a list of things i can't wait for and things i will miss:

things i can't wait for:

5. diet dr. pepper...you cannot get this here, and i LOVE it!
4. not having to filter my water
3. being able to just plug an appliance in, not having to go through a step up transformer
2. wal-mart. okay, i'm pretty sure i am going to get flack for this one, but, seriously, that store is great. i mean, i can go there and get basically everything i need in the way of groceries. here, we have to go to foodworths, bowers, shoprite, and chipiku to get everything on our list
1. FAMILY! we just got to see bech's parents but even two months is a long time to go without seeing parents. plus, we haven't seen my parents and blaise and ansley since the beginning of December...we will go almost 7 months without seeing them. not to mention, Fahmohr, Nana and Papa, Gaga Jean, and Hunter, all who we will have gone 11 months without seeing!

things i don't want to leave:

5. lucius, our gardener
4. how calm life here is...life here is just slower, and i love it. there's very little of the fast-paced, rushed american attitude
3. the malawian people. malawi's nickname is "the warm heart of africa" for a good reason. i love being asked, "and how are you today, madam?" and answering, "fine, thank you, and you?"
2. the other missionaries at ABC...we have made some lifelong friends here
1. my students! i am so sad to leave them...they are amazing, and i love them so much!

but we will be home soon...on june 29th about 6:30!


Liz T. said...

wow!!! i can't believe ya'll will be back in 2 months! just in time for my birthday haha. (it's june 26). marley, i share your love for diet dr. pepper...as a matter of fact, i have a few in the fridge haha! enjoy your last 2 months there, we'll be here to welcome you back!

Sheryl said...

I was hoping that you would be back in time for Bryn and Lindsey's wedding. We are anxious to see you guys and hear all of the great experiences you have had.

Have you tried Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper? It is good too! That is Uncle Mike's favorite.

You are in our prayers!