Saturday, June 6, 2009

Okay, false alarm on the's not back on! But we did have a prayer answered...we sold our car! I feel so relieved. That was a big issue. We sold it to another missionary on campus, which helps her out (we lowered the price) and us out (we get US dollars, not kwacha!).

Actually, I am feeling a whole lot less stressed as of today. We had a sale with some other people leaving, and sold a bunch of stuff! We set a goal of how much we were hoping to make (enough to pay our rent here), and we made it! The to do list has now gotten significantly shorter. All that is left is grades, finishing up yearbook (and I have gotten a bunch done this week!), and packing! And now that everything extra is out of our house, packing will be a LOT easier.

Today was the college graduation. It was really fun to go to. It was super long, but I still enjoyed it. Like I said in my last post, it is fun to see the culmination of these students hard work. These students worked so much harder than most American college students, as far as paying school fees and such. I actually took pictures at this event, so I will be posting them soon. Not today, though! I am tapping into the next houses wireless (so I am standing in the kitchen) and it is NOT comfortable! Plus, the internet is even slower than normal from this location.

Anyway, I feel like I have been posting so much lately. I think its because I am using blogspot as a procrastination outlet!

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