Saturday, August 20, 2011


I have finally jumped on the Tim Keller bandwagon. I had done a Bible study of his in high school and read various quotes and articles of his. But The Reason for God was the first book of his that I read. And I absolutely loved it.

I would describe this book as a slightly more practical version of Mere Christianity. Keller isn't as poetic and eloquent as Lewis. But he does delve more deeply into scientific and political issues.

Here is my favorite section of the book (from the Intermission):

"Here, then, we have a way forward. We should not try to 'look into the sun,' as it were, demanding irrefutable proofs for God. Instead we should 'look at what the sun shows us.' Which account of the world has the most 'explanatory power' to make sense of what we see in the world and in ourselves? We have a sense that the world is not the way it ought to be. We have a sense that we are very flawed and yet very great. We have a longing for love and beauty that nothing in this world can fulfill. We have a deep need to know meaning and purpose. Which worldview best accounts for these things?
Christians do not claim that their faith gives them omniscience or absolute knowledge of reality. Only God has that. But they believe that the Christian account of things--creation, fall, redemption, and restoration--makes the most sense of the world. I ask you to put on Christianity like a pair of spectacles and look at the world with it. See what power it has to explain what we know and see.
If the God of the Bible exists, he is not a man in the attic, but the Playwright. That means we won't be able to find him like we would find a passive object with the powers of empirical investigation. Rather, we must find the clues to his reality that he has written into the universe, including into us. That is why, if God exists, we would expect to find that he appeals to our rational faculties. If we were make 'in his image' as rational, personal beings, there should be some resonance between his mind and ours. It also means that reason alone won't be enough. The Playwright can only be known through personal revelation. That is why we have to take a look at what the Bible says about God and the human condition.
In the Christian view, however, the ultimate evidence for the existence of God is Jesus Christ himself. If there is a God, we characters in his play have to hope that he put some information about himself in the play. But Christians believe he did more than give us information. He wrote himself into the play as the main character in history, when Jesus was born in a manger and rose from the dead. He is the one with whom we have to do."

If you haven't read this book yet, do it! It is an incredible book, both for Christians and non-Christians to read.

I just started his new book, King's Cross, and am really enjoying it as well.

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