Thursday, June 18, 2009

goodbye's are hard!

Yesterday was the last day of school! There were a LOT of tears. It was really hard to say goodbye to all of our students. The hardest moment was when one of my students mothers started to tear up...that really got me! We have both loved all of these kids so much, and it was so hard to give them the last (hopefully just last for now, maybe we'll see them again someday!) hug.

At one point, my camera was stolen by the 9th graders. The following picture is a great example of the first 10 pictures on my camera. This is Nell, who I absolutely love and am going to miss SO much!

Here's Chloe, one of my 8th graders. I am going to figure out some way to see her in the next few years because she lives (well when she's home on furlow and vacation) in Canada.

This is Caroline, another one of my 8th graders. She's moving to Botswana this summer!

The two boys with glasses are Shea (his parents work at the college) and Adam (from Zimbabwe, his mom teaches at the Academy), and Amungwa is hiding out in the back.

This is Charlotte, Nell's little sister. She is my best ballet student (well in the youngest class)!

As if goodbye's at the school aren't hard enough, we have had to start saying goodbye to other ABC missionaries. The McDonalds and Dehnerts are leaving this morning for a missions trip to Austria. So last night the Dehnerts came over to say bye, then Janelle and Amber came by today to give us goodbye hugs. I don't even want to think about next Tuesday and having to say goodbye to everyone else, especially the Ketchums. It is going to be a sad day!

But we are also so excited to see our family and friends. I know I will probably go through culture shock, but I will be so excited to see my parents and brother and sisters.

1 comment:

Megan said...

oh Charlotte. Give her a hug for me!