Friday, February 10, 2012

Working Mom

Today Kelly at Kelly's Korner is hosting a link up to working moms.  I thought I would join in.

So if you are coming to this site via Kelly's Korner, here's a little bit about me:

I am a graduate student in Classics (Latin and Greek) at the University of Vermont.  I also work 14 hours a week at the UVM library and teach two homeschool Latin classes.  Bech (my husband) and I are CA's (like RA's but for graduate housing).  So I am really busy!

Right now I am working because I kind of have to.  I mean, I have to go to class, so we would need to use daycare for that.  And since I can't pay by the hour, I work on the days he's in daycare.   I am able to get homework done at the library which is good.  The great thing is that I will finish my masters this semester with no student debt (I have a fellowship that pays my tuition and gives me a stipend that covers our rent!).

Part of me would love to be a stay at home at some point in the future.  But I actually really enjoy working.  I would like to earn my PhD and be a professor, so I will most likely (except for maternity leaves and sabbaticals) always be working.  But the great thing about having a teacher or professor's schedule (or graduate student schedule!) is that I will always have Christmas break, spring break, and a nice long summer break!


The Lindsey Family said...

Love your adorable family!

Katy Robertson said...

you are such a good mom, dont tell you often enough :)