Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, From Baby Jack!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ho ho ho!

We are having a wonderful time in Mississippi!  Jack and I have been home for a week now (which is sad, because it means we only have a week and a half left!).  

Jack did amazing on the flights here.  He didn't fuss or cry, and he even napped in my arms for some of the time.  And, of course, he smiled at everyone in sight.  He is such a sweet, happy baby!  Even though he was great, I am glad Bech will be flying back with us, so I won't have to hold him the whole time.

Jack has been soaking up being with our families.  He has been cuddled and kissed so much, and he is eating it all up!  We have gone up to Jackson a couple of times so that he can see Bech's parents.

And I am enjoying getting a break from school.  The semester ended all right.  I am happy its done.  Only 1 more semester (and 4 comprehensive tests!) left!

My mom got this little Santa outfit for Jack at Wally world.  Jack looks cute as a button in it--I think it helps that he has the huge belly to fill it out!

I love this last picture of him...he looks a little crazed!  

We hope everyone else is having a wonderful Christmas season as well!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Yesterday was the last day of classes here at UVM.  

Totally random side note:  University of Vermont goes by the initials UVM.  That is because the Latin name for the school is Universitas Viridis Montis (or University of the Green Mountains).  But if you didn't know this, UVM might sound strange.

So we are officially in finals week.  Which is not so bad.  Thankfully, I stayed ahead on classwork all semester so I honestly am not left with a huge amount of classwork.  I have got 2 more pages to write for a final paper in my Greek translation class.  I have a take home exam in my Latin Composition class.  I recited a Greek choral passage today for my professor, so that's done.

All in all, not too bad!

I also have to turn in an abstract for a conference.  In the academic world, there are tons and tons of conferences.  And there are also tons and tons of calls for conference abstracts.  That's basically a word snapshot of a paper you have written or will write, which fits in with the conference theme.  Last year, I deleted all of the emails I got about conferences.  This year, I have realized that I probably should apply for a least one or two.  So I chose the closest ones, both in Boston (3 1/2 hours away).  I would LOVE to be accepted into at least one of the two, but I have no idea what my chances are, having never done this before.

Plus, we have a bunch of parties/get togethers:  cookie swap tomorrow night, potluck Saturday night, baby shower (I'm hosting!) Sunday, last minute hang outs with neighbors...It is going to be a busy next couple of days!

And then, after I get all of this done, I get to go home!  I am so ready and excited to be home!  And Jack is very ready to be back in the South!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Because I like to keep it real around here...

You know all those cute "baby in the lights" pictures that are going around pinterest?  Like this one?  I tried to recreate it today for our Christmas card.  And I did get some that will work, but it was not easy work.  Jack tried to put those lights in his mouth EVERY SINGLE SECOND.  

And this is what happened when I pulled them away...

Yup, not so happy.

On another note, watch this video.  It is beautiful.  I cried the first time I watched it.  Then I watched it again, and cried again.  I would love to blame this all on post partum hormones, but I think I would have cried anyway.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I haven't put up pictures in about a week, so I thought I would add some new ones!

I mentioned it once before, but Jack is now sitting up!  He is such a big boy.

He is still a little wobbly, so, unless we are right there, we cushion him with the Boppy.  Here is Jack showing off his new skills.  I love this outfit on him.  Bech's parents got this from Prague (I think?).

He's still not a fan of tummy time, but sometimes we make him do it...we're so mean...

This next picture is awful, as far as lighting is concerned!  I need to figure out how to take good pictures of Jack in front of the tree.  But I put Jack in one of his Christmas outfits, and I needed to get a picture of him in it!

Also, Jack has officially dropped the dreamfeed, and now sleeps from 7:45 ish to 7 a.m.  Last Thursday, Jack ate a little late, so I decided to just skip the dreamfeed and see how long he could go.  And I was completely surprised when he went all night.  I have a feeling that he could probably have done this a couple of weeks ago, but I love snuggling with him after the dreamfeed!  Oh well, I know there are so many fun things about this age too.  I just miss my little baby!

And finally, here is Jack, showing off his newest skill, saying "Ba."  Of course my mom thinks he is really trying to say "Bella."

Friday, December 2, 2011

xanga and other randoms...

I have little to no motivation today.  It is almost the end of the semester, and I really need to get stuff done.  But instead, I have just been rereading all of my old xanga posts.  Let me just tell you, it is a wonder I ended up normal at all.  I was a weird, strange kid.

But it is fun to remember things I was excited about.  For example, here's a post from November 1, 2004:

C. S. Lewis had this idea of sehnsucht, or of longing, "sweet melancholy," desire for that which one is alienated from.  Corbin Scott Carnell writes (in a book of his about Lewis):  "The Day is coming, however, when we will join in a great cosmic dance or ride magnificient stallions through the heavens, when we will have reached the individuation we have longed for, and when the cord of lnging will lead directly to Him who bids be one with Him in a great mutuality of loves."  Lewis wrote (in his copy of von Hügel's Eternal Life): 
"It is not an abstraction called Humanity that is to be saved.  It is you,…your soul, and, in some sense yet to be understood, even your body, that was made for the high and holy place.  All that you are…every fold and crease of your individuality was devised from all eternity to fit God as a glove fits a hand.  All that intimate particularity which you can hardly grasp yourself, much less communicate to your fellow creatures, is no mystery to Him.  He made those ins and outs that He might fill them.  Then He gave your soul so curious a life because it is the key designed to unlock that door, of all the myriad doors in Him."
How beautiful is that?  To imagine that all of our distinctly unique and individual quirks were shaped by God and are completely understood by God.  We are made to be filled by Him.  Blaise Pascal had this idea that every man has in him a God-shaped vacuum.  We all have holes made only to be filled with our Creator.  We were made to be worshippers of that Creator.  There is no other thing in this world that will fulfill and satisfy us.  And we can feel it.  We can feel the longing, the sehnsucht, to be with our Creator.

I am so glad I recorded these quotes.  The xanga could do with a lot less of the "oh my goodness, my boyfriend broke up with me and I think I'm going to die" posts.  

On a different note, this was the last full week of classes!  I have class next Monday and Wednesday.  Then I have a test on Wednesday, a paper due on Friday, and an exam on Monday.  Not too bad.

Then, that next Wednesday (the 14th), Jack and I will be heading home (Bech will come a week later)...CANNOT WAIT!!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Babywise Update

 Okay, as usual, this is really much more for me than for anyone else.  I just want to have a record of Jack's schedule at this point for future reference/children.  So, if you are going to think this is super boring (which you probably will), just skip this post! 

Jack is 23 weeks and now on a 4 hour schedule, and he is doing so great on it!  This is actually, from what I've read, not the Babywise method but the "Baby Whisperer" method.  Babywise suggests you first completely drop the dream feed before moving to a 4 hour schedule, but the Baby Whisperer suggests 4 hour schedule before dropping the dream feed.  

We decided to move to a 4 hour schedule because Jack just seemed ready for it.  There were a few times where we were out and he wasn't eating right on the 3 hour mark--and he was totally fine and happy.  Also, he wasn't napping well anymore on the 3 hour schedule.  So we moved and he has done so great on his new schedule.  He is back to taking great naps.

Right now, his schedule looks like this:

7:00 -- wake and eat (sometimes on the weekends,we sleep in until 7:15ish)

9:00 -- 1st nap

11:00 -- wake and eat 

1:00 -- 2nd nap

3:00 -- wake and eat

5ish -- cat nap

6ish -- wake up from cat nap

7:00 -- eat

7:30/8:00 -- bedtime

9:30 -- dream feed

A few comments:  Thanks to daycare, I actually know how much he eats--about 6 ounces.  When I drop the dream feed, I will probably bump him up to 7 oz at daycare to see how he does.

Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of his naps.  If I go in and give him his pacifier (as a side note, I hate when people call pacifiers Nuks or Binkys--it gives me the heeby idea why, I guess I am just weird), he will go back to bed.  Sometimes he will wake up about 15 or 30 minutes before his nap is over.  If he is just talking to himself, I leave him in the crib.  If he's fussing, I'll grab him, but (as long as he's happy just being awake and playing) I will wait to feed him.

I am about to drop the dream feed from 9:30 to 9:15...we are getting so close to being done with it!  Usually after you have dropped it down to 2 hours after the last feeding, you just drop it completely.

And a final note--I hope you all know that I don't think Babywise is the only way to do any of this, or that I think I am an expert by any means.  Babywise has just worked really well with us and with Jack.  Part of that is that I am a scheduled person--I work best with a set schedule.  Part of it is that Jack is a really easy baby--and that is definitely not because of us.  I plan on trying Babywise on all subsequent babies, but who knows how they will do with it?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

KK's Visit

This past week, my sister, Katy, was in town, along with her friend Paige.  We had a busy but fun week.  Tuesday we lazed around in the morning, then hit up Church Street for shopping then dinner at El Gato's.  Wednesday, we headed to Stowe and Waterbury.  Thursday, we went to a Thanksgiving dinner with our church plant, then had a Thanksgiving breakfast for dinner meal at home.  And Friday

The only day I really managed to take pictures was Wednesday, so I'll share those.

We had our first snow on Wednesday.  It's back up to 50 degrees today, so most of it has melted.  But I was glad Katy and Paige got to experience a little of our winter.  And it made our drive to Stowe gorgeous!

Here is Jack with his KK in his first snow!  He's not so sure about it...

We ate lunch at Frida's, then stopped at the Von Trapp Family Lodge.  Katy LOVES "The Sound of Music" and went on the SOM tour while in Austria.  

We stopped there for some hot cocoa in front of the fire.

I think Jack liked his first fire!  And doesn't he look so cute in his little snow outfit?

A picture out front of the lodge.

Here are some scenery shots.  How beautiful is the snow???  I will have to look at these pictures in March when I am SO tired of all of the snow and cold weather.

We drove back through Waterbury on our way home and stopped at the Ben & Jerry's factory for a tour and a sample.  Then we headed home to make spring rolls and fried rice for dinner!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

5 Months!

Jack is now 5 months!  Actually, I took these pictures 3 days after his birthday, but I wanted him to be wearing his Thanksgiving outfit.

I have no idea how much he wears now, but I am sure it is a lot.  I would bet we are at 19 lbs.  He does seem to have slowed down a bit in the gaining.

About 2 weeks ago, we switched Jack to a 4 hour schedule.  He is doing amazing on it!  And I love it, because it's one less pumping session for me during the day.  So now Jack eats every 4 hours.  His last regular eating time is at 7, and then we sneak in a dream feed at 9:45.  But last night, I moved it down to 9:30 and he did great.  He is getting so close to dropping the dream feed, but I am a little sad.  I love going in there and cuddling with him while he's sleeping.

Jack is in size 3 diapers (and in the 2nd rise on his bumgenius') and wears size 6-9 month cloths.

In the past week, Jack has developed a new skill--sitting up!  Jack can now sit up on his own.  You have to spot him, though, because he will get tired and just plop right over.

He also officially started to teeth.  Nothing is poking through yet, but he is a little fussy and will gnaw on anything he can get his hands on.

Jack had another big month.  His "KK" came to visit, he saw his first snow, he visited Stowe twice, and he has his first Thanksgiving!

Likes:  being tickled by his Daddy, cuddling, bath time, his Aunt KK

Dislikes:  teething :(

And for a little comparison, here are Jack's last four month pictures!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Happy Thanksgiving from Bech, Jack, and me!

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for a sweet husband, loving family, and a healthy, happy baby.

I am also thankful for a God who would redeem me, even while I am still enchained to my sin.  I am thankful that I can approach God because of Christ's death.

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."

Psalm 100:4

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Everything sad will come untrue."

We have been given so many amazing gifts for Baby Jack.  And The Jesus Storybook Bible is definitely at the top of the list.  

I absolutely love this book.  I actually cried the first time I read from it.  Most children's Bibles just simply tell all of the "stories" from the Bible.  This Bible tells the stories as well, but shows them all in light of the gospel.  Each story ties into Christ.

We read this most nights with Jack before he goes to bed.  I know that he probably doesn't understand what we are saying.  But he might.  And if he doesn't yet, he will soon.  I want him to grow up hearing this story everyday, so that someday he can say that he never knew a day in which he didn't know and believe in God.

And this book is not just for children.  I think all Christians, married, single, young, or old, could benefit so much from this book!  I have already been so moved by it!  I have read the story of Leah so many times, but this book helped me to see it in a totally different and new way.

My favorite part so far has been the chapter on Isaiah.  Here is what the books says (I bolded my favorite parts!):

"Do you know what your name means?  Well, there was once a man called Isaiah, and his name meant 'God to the rescue!'

That might sound like a bit of a funny name to you, but it was just the right name for Isaiah because God had a special job for Isaiah.  You see, Isaiah's job was to listen to God and then tell people what he heart.  

Now, God let Isaiah know a secret.  God was going to mend his broken world.  He showed Isaiah his Secret Rescue Plan: Operation 'No More Tears!'

This is the message God gave Isaiah (it was like a letter God wrote to his children)...

Dear Little Flock,

You're all wandering away from me, like sheep in an open field. You have always been running away from me.  And now you're lost.  You can't find your way back.

But I can't stop loving you.  I will come to find you.  So I am sending you a Shepherd to look after you and love you.  To carry you home to me.

You've been stumbling around, like people in a dark room.  But into the darkness, a bright Light will shine!  It will chase away all the shadows, like sunshine.

A little baby will be born.  A Royal Son.  His mommy will be a young girl who doesn't have a husband.  His name will be Emmanuel, which means 'God has come to live with us.'  He is one of King David's children's children's children.  The Prince of Peace.

Yes, Someone is going to come and rescue you!

But he won't be who anyone expects.

He will be a King!  But he won't live in a palace.  And he won't have lots of money.  He will be poor.  And he will be a Servant.  But this King will heal the whole world.

He will be a Hero!  He will fight for his people, and will rescue them from their enemies.  But he won't have big armies, and he won't fight with swords.  He will make the blind see, he will make the lame leap like deer!  He will make everything the way it was always meant to be. 

But people will hate him, and they won't listen to him.  He will be like a Lamb--he will suffer and die.

It's the Secret Rescue Plan we made--from before the beginning of the world!

It's the only way to get you back.

But he won't stay dead--I will make him alive again!

And, one day, when he comes back to rule forever, the mountains and trees will dance and sing for joy!  The earth will shout out loud!  His fame will fill the whole earth--as the waters cover the sea!  Everything sad will come untrue.  Even death is going to die!  And he will wipe away every tear from every eye.  

Yes, the Rescuer will come.  Look for him.  Watch for him.  Wait for him.  He will come!

I promise

Poor Isaiah.  He read God's letter over and over to God's people, but no one listened to him--at all.  Ever.  They didn't want to hear God's promise.  They didn't believe it.

Did it sound maybe too good to be true?  A story that ends happily ever after?  Well, it does sound like a fairy tale, doesn't it?  And, as anyone will quickly tell you, fairy tales aren't true.

Or are they?"

Pretty amazing...Makes you want to read it, right?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

More Laughs...

This video makes me happy!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The beginning of holiday season

It's only a little over a month until Christmas...I cannot wait.  And it's less than a month now until Jack and I head home for 2 1/2 weeks.

It's actually super warm here in Vermont (or at least warm for this time of year!).  The past couple of days the temperature has been mid to high 50's.  And so far we've only seen snow twice, and it didn't stick either time.  Although, it's going to get into the low 40's over the next week and a half.  And next Wednesday has a snow forecast, but the weather should be too warm to stick.

I am thankful that we don't have snow yet!  I am not looking forward to having to worry about Jack staying warm enough outside.

Next week, my sister and one of her best friends are coming for Thanksgiving.  We are planning a trip to Stowe, and I definitely want to show them all around downtown Burlington (especially Church Street). And, of course, we might need a trip to my new favorite restaurant, El Gato's.

I was able to get a good amount of homework done during the day today, so I am going to pull out the Christmas decorations tonight...YAY!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Jack, the Baby Model...

On Thursday's, I get to spend all day with Jack Attack--best day of the week.  Yesterday, Jack and I had a fun day at home.  It was semi warm out (at least for Vermont), so we took a little walk.  We read some and cuddled some.

And Jack was wearing one of my favorite outfits, so I had to snap some pictures!

Jack has gotten so strong!

Isn't the blanket gorgeous?  One of Bech's good friends from college sent it to us.  I love the vintage feel of the fabric!

There's that Elvis lip!

And my little boy, kinda sitting up by himself.  He is getting pretty good at the "tripod" sit up.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

More Randoms...

Yes, I did just post random thoughts yesterday.  But it's my blog, so I am going to do it again today!

1) Check out this post by BooMama.  We give mostly just to ABC, but this post has made me consider sponsoring a compassion child.

2) My mom always gives me grief about not watching the news.  But I have actually begun to watch the news!  Jack eats at 7 every morning, so I watch the news segment of the Today show every morning.  Here are my observations:

* My heart breaks for all of the victims of everything going on in State College, PA.  And I am glad the board of trustees came down so harshly.  Sexual abuse (especially to children!) is something that needs to be taken VERY seriously.  

*  Rick Perry needs debate lessons.  Like seriously.  

*  I am not a big fan of Herman Cain.  And I don't think he should accuse the Democratic party of making up a scandal about him.  I'm pretty sure the Democrats are not that worried about Cain.

*  I am a Romney fan.

*  Maybe I shouldn't say that on my blog.  It isn't polite to talk about politics too much.

3)  Only two weeks until Thanksgiving.  And a week and a half until my sister comes!

4)  We are going to another family's house for Thanksgiving dinner, but we are still going to have a Thanksgiving lunch.  But we are going to have fun with it--not do Turkey (maybe steaks?).  We are also thinking maybe pumpkin martinis?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Midweek Randoms

I feel like all I ever post are random updates.  But that's just how my mind works!
 1.  Check out this post by my sister.  It is one of the best things I read about Prop. 26.  It spelled out both sides of the issue very clearly.

2.  In case you haven't heard, the amendment did not pass.  I would have voted yes for the amendment, but I do understand the problems many Christians had with the wording.  In a way, I am both heartbroken and relieved at the results.  I wanted this to pass because of what it would mean for abortion in my home state.  But I wish the bill had been more carefully researched.

3.  Today, I am so thankful that I am not called to live for this world.  Don't get me wrong...I believe as Christians, we have a call to care about the politics of the country we live in.  We have a call to fight worldly injustice and to take care of the physical needs of others.  But at the end of the day, when we lose battles, we can rest assured that Christ has already won the war.

4.  Okay, on a lighter note...I am going home for Christmas in 5 weeks!  Yay!  I am so excited. 

5.  Of course that means that this semester is over in 5 weeks--ahhh!  Luckily I have kept ahead on work so it's not going to be crazy.

6.  Does anyone here get the Zulily emails?  Yesterday the high chair of my dreams was on sale.  Bech's mom was asking what she could buy us for Christmas, and I had mentioned that we don't have a high chair yet.  She said to send her links to some we liked.  So when I saw the sale, I sent her a link!  So come Christmas, we will be proud owners of a Svan high chair.  

Seriously, y'all--I have been lusting over this high chair for several years!  And now I own (well almost own) it.  It is going to be so cute for pictures of Jack.  And it's sturdy, so it should last for all 6 of our kids (okay, I shouldn't say that--Bech only wants like 4, but I want 6.  So all 4 to 6 of our kids!).

7.  Jack is now on a 4 hour schedule.  I cannot believe how big he is getting.  It is kind of bittersweet.  I remember when he was a newborn and cluster feeding, and now he eats every 4 hours!  He still gets his dream feed, but I honestly think we are getting close to dropping that.

8.  Today is the first Bible study for the Church excited!

9.  And finally, because Bech made me move the whole downstairs around last weekend, he said we could decorate for Christmas this weekend!!!  CAN NOT WAIT!