Monday, January 9, 2012

12 in 12

I saw this idea on some other blogs, and thought I would do my own!  I am not big on New Year's resolutions--you always feel bad when you break them.  But I do like the idea of setting goals for the year.  So here are my 12 goals for 2012:

1.  Learn French
I have a reading comprehensive test in French that I have to take this semester.  I actually started this goal right when we got back from Mississippi, so I'm getting close!  I hope to take the test maybe in 2 or so weeks.

2.  Pass my comprehensive tests
 Definitely nervous about this one.  I have three comprehensive tests (sight translation, philology, and history) that I have to pass in order to graduate.

3.  Have consistent quiet times
Why is this one always so hard?  I am considering going through another Beth Moore Bible study as well.  Any suggestions?  I have done "Breaking Free" and "Daniel."

4.  Learn how to use my camera!
We have a really nice DSLR, and Bech got a new shallow depth (who knows if I even said that right!) lens for Christmas.  I want to learn how to use it correctly.  I would love to be able to take good photos of Baby Jack.

5.  Lose 20 to 25 pounds.
I am already a little less than I was when I first got pregnant (yay for breastfeeding!), so I want to use that extra metabolic kick to lose even more.

6.  Plan a first birthday party for Jack Attack
 I'm pretty excited about this one.  I was thinking a "Very Hungry Catepillar" themed party, but I'm not sure.

7. Move
Okay, so this one isn't just a resolution.  It's something that has to happen.  But it's still a big deal, so I'm putting it on my checklist of things to get done this year.

8.  Clean our apartment/Get rid of tons of stuff!
I am trying to simplify our lives.  Bech and I just have so much stuff!  We already got rid of tons of books last fall, but now we are moving on to clothes and house items.  If we aren't using it, we don't need it (with the exception of some wedding gifts, like silver trays, that I know we will use someday).  We already have cleared out a ton of clothes, and I want to continue doing so for the rest of the year.  It will make moving so much easier!

9.  Memorize scripture
I should be doing this a lot more!  I memorize things pretty easily, and I used to be pretty good about memorizing scripture.  But not lately.  I would love to blame it all on school, but honestly, I can quote parts of the Office.  What a waste of brain space!  I love to memorize chunks instead of random verses, so maybe I will work on a small New Testament book.

10.  Spend more time with Bech
We have not done anything just us since before Jack was born.  We have several families who have offered to watch Jack, so I think we are going to take them up on it soon!  We need a date night!  If we are close to home next year, then we can also use our parents for free babysitting.  Perhaps our 5th wedding anniversary can be celebrated in New Orleans?

11.  Keep up on academics while out of school/Present a paper at a conference
If I want to get a PhD (which I do), I have to keep my languages up to date while Bech's in school.  I need to be regularly reading Greek and Latin, keeping up with Classics Journals, and maybe start working on another language (I really want to read Hebrew, so that's probably where I'll start).
I am already going to be presenting one paper at a conference this spring.  I am hoping to be at another one, but haven't heard yet.  But I want to turn in abstracts for more this fall.

12.  Sit by the pool/beach and RELAX!
Is that a weird goal?  Probably.  I just feel like Bech and I have been so busy this past year.  Actually, I know we have been.  Bech is working two part time jobs, plus teaching in the pottery co-op and making his own work.  I am doing grad school and working three part time jobs.  Plus we have Jack.  So this summer, I want to just veg for a week or two!


Katy Robertson said...

KK already volunteers to watch Jack for your 5th anniversary. I can come to your house in BR and watch him while you go to NOLA for the evening. He will be only an hour away and in capable hands, if I do say so myself....

I like this idea -- 12 in 12

Sheryl said...

While you are fulfilling goal number 12, we can certainly help with goal number 10! We can't wait to see you all this summer!

The Passwaters said...

13. Come to Austin.