Monday, March 5, 2012

Leaving on a jet plane...

Jack and I are heading out in just a few hours.  Whoa, am I nervous!  I don't particularly like flying; I feel like it's a necessary evil.  And flying by myself with an almost 9 month old?  Hm, not on my list of favorite things. 

But I know it will be fine.  Jack is such a sweetheart and will (hopefully!) be wonderful on the flights.  If y'all think of it, please say a prayer tomorrow for me.  I have a day long interview (which includes teaching two Latin classes!).

Here are a few pictures I took yesterday.  Bech is the master at getting Jack to laugh!

I just love him!

Jack's latest trick is blowing raspberries...he is quite proud of himself!

1 comment:

WordsmithWorking said...

Good luck! I, too, have an interview for a teaching position on Tuesday.

Let's do this!