Sunday, October 23, 2011

Best Hummus Ever

Okay, so maybe that is too lofty of a title.  I am sure that my hummus is not the best hummus ever.  But my latest batch is the best hummus I have ever made.

I love to read blogs.  If you know me, you probably know that about.  But I'm usually not too big on food blogs.  However, last year I found Macheesmo.  I LOVE this blog.  We have only made a few recipes from this blog so far, but he always has great ideas.  He includes pictures but doesn't go overboard (actually that's why I don't read Pioneer Woman--too many pictures!).  

Sometimes Macheesmo does posts about Homemade vs. Store bought.  He will compare the two in the categories of nutrition, cost, and flavor.  This summer he did hummus.  Jack was only like 2 weeks old at the time, so I knew I wasn't going to make hummus anytime soon.  But something he said really stuck out to me--the best texture wise was using canned beans that you rub the skins off of.

Bech and I usually buy the dried beans and cook them ourselves.  The hummus I make is good flavor wise, but always lacks a little something texture wise.  I can never get it smooth enough.  

I went to Costco the other day and got a HUGE can of garbanzo beans for like 3 dollars (seriously, how is that even possible?  how is Costco making money?).  So I decided to try out Macheesmo's hummus method.

Oh my lanta...sooo good!  The hummus was so creamy.  Bech and I both declared it my best hummus yet.  Sure, the hummus took about 15 extra minutes, because I had to rub off all of the skins.  But compared to how long it takes me to cook the dried beans, that's nothing.

So anyway, this may be the most boring post ever.  And I have no pictures of my yummy hummus.  But if you make your own hummus a lot (or if you don't but want to start), you should definitely try out this method!

1 comment:

Liz T. said...

so glad to know this! I agree - it's so hard to make it creamy! I will be trying this method soon!