Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday night randoms...

Well it has been another crazy week around here!  This is going to be an insane semester.  So in no particular order, here are some thoughts/happenings...

1.  This week we successfully dropped the swaddle!  I was pretty apprehensive about this.  Some babies sleep swaddled until 8 or 9 months, but most drop it around 3 or 4 months.  I had two reasons for wanting to drop the swaddle.  

(1) Last week Jack woke up twice in one night simply because he had broken out of the swaddle.  We wrapped him back up and he went straight back to bed, but it was a sign that he might be better without the swaddle.  
(2)  We are kind of a slave to the swaddle.  He is so strong, so nobody but Bech (and kind of me, although Bech is better) can swaddle him tightly enough.  Even at daycare, they can't do it tightly enough.  And 

Bech's mom is going to be spending a week with us in late October, and will be watching Jack during the day.  She has never swaddled, and I really wanted Jack to not be dependent on it by the time she got here.

We tried two days with one arm unswaddled, and Jack did amazing!  So we completely stopped wrapping him and he has slept so well. 

2.  Fall is officially here!  It is cold!  This weekend it was high 40's/low 50's.  It's beautiful, but I know that Winter is right around the corner!

3.  My little chunk went in for an appointment and he weights...16 lbs 14.5 oz!!!  OhMyLanta!  He is so huge!  He is in the 95th% for weight and the 90th% for height (25.5 inches).  But he is a really cute little chunk, so it's okay.

4.  I think I know where all of his weight is coming from--I am 1 or 2 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight...yay!  But I feel like my whole body has rearranged itself...ugh.

5.  I am going home to Mississippi in a week and a half.  I am flying home to see Ansley be the mascot at Brookhaven High's homecoming.  Then I am going to the Ole Miss/Alabama game that Saturday.  I am so excited to get to go to Oxford!  The last time I was there was my 24th birthday.

6.  We went to our first meeting today for the Burlington PCA church plant.  We are really excited!

7.  I would really like to have some free time to read a book for fun.  I am kind of reading a book about Narnia for fun as well as Keller's "Kings Cross," but it is slow goings.  What I really need to be doing is reading Homer to get ready for my comps!

Well I think that's all I got!  I am tired, but life is good.

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